On 5/31/05, Leonard Matusik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> None taken Warren, I was smiling when I sent it (not smirking either!)
> I'm sort of interested in a scenario where the next Thomas Edison(s) pop up 
> in places other than the USA. Technical (bio or otherwise) renders US 
> "superiority" obsolete. Consider the harware and info, both new and surplus, 
> just out there for the purchase.  Also, there are place where respect for 
> patent law and government restrictions are non-existant or winked at. 
> Innovation and reverse engineering are cheap.
> It doesn't have to something "grand" either. Consider the new LED 
> flashlights. My understanding is that LEDs are nanotech devices. These things 
> will practically blind a person on a pitence of power.
>  We are then left as a nation of lab rats, dedicated to the adverse effects 
> of overindulgence.
> All of our intrigues, our plotting, and our fears will eventually melt into a 
> historical tribute to Ozymandous (sp?)


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