Nick Arnett wrote:

My question is this. Has our form of government really changed in the decades since? Is democracy today fundamentally different from the system under which we not only permitted, but encouraged and paid for people to cheat, drive away, torture and murder the native people of this continent?
I don't know that the system has changed that much, but the environment in which it operates certainly has. We live in a world of "Political Correctness" gone mad. We live in a world where cameras are everywhere and anyone can publish to the world. The press are probably more self-interested than at any time in the past, but they are also more ubiquitous and they will chase any scandal down in the name of ratings/circulation. (Would Abu Ghraib have been so sensationally published in 1944?).

I still think Iraq was done for the wrong reasons and in the wrong way (during both invasion and occupation), but I think your question above is the least of the worries the US and its allies faces in the middle east...

Russell C.

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