On 6/9/05, d.brin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Buried in the 700-plus page energy bill currently under debate in the
> U.S. Senate is a provision that provides hundreds of millions of
> dollars worth of federal loan guarantees for a power project
> apparently to be built by four former Enron executives. One of
> the former executives is Thomas White, former head of Enron's retail
> and energy trading in California during the energy crisis who later
> served as President Bush's Secretary of the Army.... The federal loan
> guarantee makes taxpayers responsible for repaying the loan if the
> company defaults, or if the project ends up not being
> economically feasible after its construction.
> Meanwhile, the Justice Dept has unilaterally reduced the major
> federal civil judgement against the Tobacco industry by 90%.
> Imagine the howls if a similar level of blatant bribery and
> corruption had occurred in the Clinton Administration.  But this is
> normal today.

Is anyone really surpised? Heck, Bush has been favoring big business
ever since he first came in- remember how Microsoft *was* going to be
broken up, but the DOJ's interventions on its behalf helped overturn
Jackson's ruling on appeal?

Too bad really- if Gore had won, everybody might just be using a real OS.

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