On 20 Jun 2005, at 6:58 am, Trent Shipley wrote:

And let us now remember the evil done by doctrinaire atheists such as Stalin and Mao. Verily it is not faith in diety or religion that causeth evil, but belief in all master narratives. If thou wouldst do no evil, have not faith,
not even faith in no-faith.

Stalinism and Maoism are both quasi-religions.


If religion is indeed as hateful as William T Goodall says it is, then the fervent hatred of religion is also just an inverted religion. Anti- religion
just manifests religious intolerance in another guise.  Hatred without
balance, reason, or limit is still hatred no matter how well founded the underlying theory. Indeed, the rational conclusion that religion is harmful has in modern times produced worse harm than religion itself, notably in the
wake of the French Revolution and Communism.

Why are you discussing what I said when you obviously didn't read it? That's very silly.

Furthermore, let us not forget, that from the 1850s to the 1960s or 1970s Marxism was based in (what for the times) were advanced historical and social scholarship. Even today global scholarship benefits from Marxian theory. Communists had and have an irrefutable modernist, rationalist pedigree.

Being "rational" and "modern" is no guarantee at all against monstrosity.

LOL. You probably think Freud is rational too. Newsflash - dressing up religious mumbo-jumbo in pseudo-scientific jargon doesn't make it any better than Dianetics.

I'm with Voltaire. Most people NEED religion. Trying to quash religion makes as much sense as trying to repress sexuality. It simply won't work. Humans
simply have a "spiritual" instinct.

I see nothing constructive, or even terribly informative, in W.T. Goodall's
hate-speech against some ill-defined phenomenon called "religion".

It's extremely well-defined and utterly loathsome. And if you don't know what the definition is how can you possibly defend it? You don't know what you're defending do you? I'll tell you: foul depraved evil of the worst kind.

William T Goodall
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

Putting an infinite number of monkeys at an infinite number of keyboards
will _not_ result in the greatest work of all time. Just look at Windows.


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