At 01:27 PM Tuesday 6/21/2005, Warren Ockrassa wrote:
On Jun 21, 2005, at 11:18 AM, Gary Denton quoted:

 Holstege said he had trouble getting reliable results from the study
 on men because the scanning machine needs activities lasting at least
 two minutes to record an activity. But the men's climaxes didn't last
 anywhere near that lone, meaning he could not reliably compare the
 scans before climax and during.

There's a wealth of potential humor throughout this report, but the above passage is, to me, particularly ripe with possibilities.

Actually, when I read the report earlier, I thought the first paragraph was the one worthy of comment:

New research indicates that parts of the
 brain that govern fear and anxiety are switched off when a woman is
 having an orgasm.

in that if the fear and anxiety centers of the woman's brain are not shut down several hours earlier, neither the woman nor the man is likely to have the opportunity to conduct the experiment . . .

A Man Paying A Woman Directly For Sex Is Called Prostitution And Is Illegal, But A Man Paying For Flowers And An Expensive Dinner Is Called Dating And Is Expected Maru

--Ronn!  ;-)

"A diamond is forever . . . at least, the payments are."
  -- The full version of the DeBeers' slogan.


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