Gautam Mukunda wrote:
--- Damon Agretto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I read The Postman in about 8.5 hours, but that was
doing nothing except reading (with bathroom breaks and lunch). I can't imagine having the time to sit and read a book of that length in one day...


4 hours 20 minutes on the dot - not too long a
stretch, given that it was a Saturday morning. Normally I would have gone to the gym, but I knew that
wasn't going to happen with a new Harry Potter novel
out, so that's really all it cost me.  I'll do a
longer session this evening instead.

That's 260 minutes to read a 652-page book.

I'd call you a fast reader, is what I would do.  :)


and it's 30 chapters, and that's about all I can say about it at this point, besides what would be totally obvious if you saw a copy sitting in the store but didn't pick it up


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