-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Leonard Matusik
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 11:54 AM
To: Killer Bs Discussion
Subject: Those who do not critique his theory, are doomed to repeat it......

Thu, 14 Jul 2005 14:28:34 +0100 William T Goodall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Thu, 14 Jul 2005 05:19:08 -0700 (PDT) Leonard Matusik wrote:
>>on Mon, 11 Jul 2005 18:53:59 -0500 Gary Denton wrote:
>>>On 7/10/05, KZK wrote:
>>>>The influential Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna has suggested
>>>> that belief in evolution as accepted by science today may be
>>>> incompatible with Catholic faith.
>>>This disagrees with previous Catholic Church doctrine regarding 
>>>For decades children going to Catholic School had been taught there is
>>>no incompatibility between Darwin and Church teachings. A new
>>>conservative Pope and now Cardinals following the lead of Protestant
>>>fundamentalists - are we headed for a new "mildly Darkish Age" -
>>>trying to head off another long exchange about the degree of darkness
>>>the last one was?
>>GARY DENTON! using the *F* word again (Fundamentalist :#) 
>>To tell the truth I agree with the good Cardinal. The advancement of 
>>evolutionary theory is in a deplorable state. Maybe I haven't kept up 
>>with it properly but how is it again that we explain blind cave fish and 
>>alkaloids in higher plants from a Drawinian-TM  perspective? 
>I think we have the answer!

(bZZZZt) No, ..      I'm sorry .........that is INcorrect.
(and we have run out of time for you to make good on it)
The answer to the question: 
"How is it again that we explain blind cave fish and 
higher plant alkaloids from a Drawinian-TM  perspective? "
is................... "Poorly at best, William......poorly at best".
("I think we MAY have AN answer".... would have also been accepted)
 ...................................................but thanks for playing
our little game.
The *point* of the matter IS that, Charles Darwin was a deeply spiritual man

who did not approach his very young theory with the flippancy 
of most people today.
THAT is what Cardinal Chris is pointing out. 
(and notice the qualifying language he uses, 
the Church has learned alot since Gallileo)
But....David Loye says it better:
"In the Descent of Man Charles Darwin wrote only twice of "survival of the
fittest" — but 95 times about love! 92 times about moral sensitivity. And
200 times about brain and mind.
Suppression over 100 years of the real Darwin has led to the social,
political, economic, scientific, educational, moral and spiritual mess we
are in today." 
-----------for more Darwin fun check out his web site
(and no this is NOT a Catholic site, it's a tree-hugger site)
Leonard "HighOnPope" Matusik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence  
whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the  
silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more  
likely to be foolish than sensible."
- Bertrand Russell
(easy, eh? random mutation, natural selection;..random mutation, natural
random mutation, natural selection;... random mutation, natural
..try singing it with a little song................fun for the whole
.................. and to think *he* had to write a whole bloody book...
pompous boffin.)

 Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 

all I have to say about it is this. Young Travis, and myself both went
through the same Catholic school system..... it produced us.... that says it
all... lol....however what needs to be seen is that we were taught
Darwinism, and were shown how it relates to the old test testament, and how
the old testament should not be viewed as fact how it was an interpretation
for the masses to understand where and how we became. I remember with rather
great detail one religion teacher (keep in mind that our religion class was
not a dogmatic catholic study it was a study of morality and spirituality of
our and other religions) asking us who here watches star trek few put up
their hands, however his point was about TOS and TNG, look to TOS as the
building blocks to what we were and what morality has become, look to TNG as
being the end product, that will "evolve" as human kind's understanding of
the world changes. He went on to say that religion is only the vessel that
is used to show us the moral implications of actions, and to assist us in
developing our spirit so that it maybe able to reside after death in heaven.

Nick "beam me up, God" Lidster


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