Dan wrote:

It might aid my understanding to see the issues on which you are more
conservative than  most Americans.  If you are in the middle, wouldn't it
be 50-50?

I said I was moderate on most issues, in fact I know we agree on many issues. Perhaps that is why it is frustrating me that you can't see that this administration is not just incompetent or even merely criminally negligent, but deliberately and blatantly nefarious. They torture people. That's not just a rumor or a wild story, it's a documented fact. They send others to countries where they can be more easily tortured. They set up secret prisons in foreign countries where torture may have occurred. They've withheld basic rights from many people, especially in Gitmo, but also right here in this country where they've kept one man behind bars for years without allowing him his day in court. He was there because someone that had been tortured gave evidence against him. Now tell me Dan, how is torture a matter of incompetence or bad judgment? To me it is illeagal and immoral, do you disagree?

Now we find that he has been tapping phones without getting warrants. Never mind that he can get a warrant any time he wants via the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court just about any time he wants even after the actual wire tap. I read recently that the FISC had only turned down something like 5 warrants in 30 years. So we have abuse of power, deliberate and intentional.

These are the kinds of things that characterize the President; reckless disregard for the law. We hear about a man that calls the principals that have built this nation and to some extent have made the world what it is today "a goddamned piece of paper" Every data point added to the chart seems to indicate that this administration abuses and misuses his office. Why is it such a stretch that he has done so with regard to Iraq? Especially when there are several data points that indicate that he and others were interested in invasion before 911!


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