I'll save the obvious wisecracks like it was probably a female fish, etc....
(just kidding ladies!!)

Seriously though, this is the stuff that myths are made of. Too bad this guy
is so much of a Redneck that he's going to eat it.  Personally, I would be
afraid to eat it.....

Link to ABCnews.com story with a picture at the bottom.



Double-Mouthed Fish Pulled From Neb. Lake

Fisherman Pulls Double-Mouthed Rainbow Trout From Holmes Lake in Nebraska

The Associated Press

LINCOLN, Neb. - This fish didn't have a chance. A rainbow trout pulled out
of Holmes Lake last weekend had double the chance to get hooked: It had two

Clarence Olberding, 57, wasn't just telling a fisherman's fib when he called
over another angler to look at the two-mouthed trout. It weighed in at about
a pound.

"I reached down and grabbed it to take the hook out, and that's when I
noticed that the hook was in the upper mouth and there was another jaw
protruding out below," said Olberding.

He said in his 40 years of fishing, he's never seen anything like it.

Don Gabelhouse, head of the fisheries division of the Nebraska Game and
Parks Commission, said a two-mouthed fish was new to him, too.

"It's probably a genetic deformity," he said. "I don't think there's
anything wrong with it."

The second mouth didn't appear to be functional, Olberding said. He has
plans for the fish, which don't included mounting.

"I'm going to smoke it up and eat it," he said.

Story and a picture.....


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