Deborah Harrell wrote:

I was looking up the Horsehead Nebula for a friend,
and happened across this -- what a nifty cosmic
Rorschack (?sp) test!

I see:
-a saint (or other bearded fellow with outstretched
-a frontal view of a turtle's head, mouth gaping -a startled Sorting Hat
-a panting pony's head, with a very long flowing mane
-cosmic eggyolk
-a distorted Man in the Moon

I don't see any of those. Though the things I do see indicate a pretty clear pattern. I saw:
- Mufasa (from the lion king).
- A japanese style dragon head.
- Sepheroth from Final Fantasy 7.

I need to cut back on the anime.

looking again I also saw:
- a man with a short beard that looks kind of like Laurence Olivier as Zeus in Clash of the Titans (that probably says a little too much about my psyche :-) ). This was probably the saint you saw.
- an owl.
- the head of a mean-looking, thin-faced, bald man with a goatee. (this is easier to see if you tilt your head sideways).

Perhaps I Should Forego Any More Caffeine Today Maru :)

Depending on the time zone you live in, it's a good idea to not consume caffeine in the evening anyway.

Michael Harney

Patterns in chaos maru

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