On Mar 27, 2006, at 10:24 AM, The Fool wrote:

Fascism is on the March:

<<http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/03/25/ MNG6OHU6RR1.DT

"This is more than a spiritual war," Luce said. "It's a culture war."
Military metaphors abound in Luce's descriptions of the struggle. He
tells young people of how "an enemy has launched a brutal attack on
them." At a pre-Battle Cry rally Friday afternoon on the steps of City
Hall, Luce told his mostly teenage audience that "terrorists of a
different kind" -- -- were targeting them and that they were "caught in
the middle of the battle."

A woman at our church (Bay Area, Methodist: about as far from the wingnut
extreme as you can get outside of a UCC congregation) told me that her
daughter's friend -- an otherwise reasonable girl -- was caught up in
this "Teen Mania" thing.

Dave "evidently a 'virtue terrorist'" Land


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