From: Nick Arnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On 4/12/06, The Fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I believe only in the purity of math.  Everything else is nonsense.

Seriously?  And what do you do with Goedel's Incompleteness Theorem?

Does it effect the underlying math the all physics is based around?

a + b = c
(a + b) * (a - c) = c * (a - c)
a^2 + ab - ac - cb = ca - c^2
a^2 + ab - ac = ca + cb - c^2
a * (a + b - c) = c * (a + b - c)
a = c

Phi the golden mean  = 1.61803398875
1 / Phi                         = 0.61803398875
Phi^2                           = 2.61803398875
phi                               = sqroot(1 + .25) + sqroot(.25)
1 / phi                          = sqroot(1 + .25) - sqroot(.25) 


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