Klaus Stock wrote:
People blame communication issues on Mercury being retrograde.

And they're stupid or ignorant people. FFS.

I just don't get the whole astrology thing. It makes absolutely no sense when you consider the pairs of identical twins that were born within minutes of each other and then went on to have very wildly diverging lives.

That's chaos theory. ;)

Oh, I got an explanation on the twin thing just now -- in the case of twins, half the chart applies to one, the other half of the chart applies to the other. *eyeroll*

Charts have halves? How do you know which half is which?

Easy. One child is left-handed, so it belong to the left chart side. The
other one is right-handed. Obvious.

If both children happen to be right-handed, it because one child's natural
left-handedness was supressed by the establishment.

- Klaus

OK, this works for mirror twins, a special case of monozygotic twins. I don't see how it works for any other sort, especially dizygotic. :)


p.s. I know one mom who has triplets where two are monozygotic, the third is different -- how cool is that? (So basically, instead of trizygotic triplets, they're just dizygotic.)

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