At 09:04 PM Tuesday 5/30/2006, Julia Thompson wrote:
David Hobby wrote:
Julia Thompson wrote:
David Hobby wrote:
"BatLeth" meant nothing to me, and it's not clear the thing is a
very useful weapon.

Let me elaborate:  The thing is big and clumsy, but doesn't even
have any reach to make up for that.  It's probably a bit better
than a quarterstaff, though, since it does have sharp parts.

If you hold it right (and CAN hold it right, it takes practice!), you can get a little reach out of it. I could hurt someone at 3' easily enough IF I were in good practice with it. Which I'm not, and which is very low on my priority list at the moment. (I think it's lower on my list than firespinning, which is fairly low.)
Sure, 3 feet (90 cm) I believe.  But how much does
it weigh?  If I just had a normal 3 foot sword, I'd
be faster, and speed does matter...
Considering wearing a metal gauntlet, so I can grab
one (sharp) end, and increase the reach.

Oh, it's pretty darned heavy, even made out of aircraft aluminum.

I could do a lot better just picking up a sword at random than picking it up. But I could inflict some pretty serious pain from about a foot closer than my farthest sword distance IF I were in practice. IF.

How would you rate your chances with a regular sword versus someone with a batleth who was in practice with it? Or, IOW, is a batleth in the right hands likely to be superior or inferior to a garden-variety pig-sticker which may be easier to obtain and learn to use?

--Ronn!  :)

"Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our country and two words have been added to the pledge of Allegiance... UNDER GOD. Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said that is a prayer and that would be eliminated from schools too?"
   -- Red Skelton

(Someone asked me to change my .sig quote back, so I did.)


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