On Jun 28, 2006, at 11:18 AM, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

I'm with Dan on this one (!). That a fully-loaded 737 can cause, after impact, buildings to fall down is not even remotely shocking.

Of course, the buildings were scarcely damaged by the planes' impact. Big chunks of the planes went clear through the building and landed on the other side. Some didn't even strike the core of the building.

This is an aircraft that carries enough jet fuel to cover a football field to the depth of one foot with highly combustible fluid (do the math; check me -- this is what I recall from working out the figs myself about four years ago). What's amazing, in this light, is that the buildings didn't fall before they did.

Fuel that, when burning, generates less than 800 degrees C, about a third of the temperature needed to melt the steel used in the WTC.

And, of course, it doesn't matter how much fuel there was. They could have FILLED every floor of building with a couple of feet of Jet A and replaced the air with pure oxygen, and it still couldn't possibly burn hot enough to bring the buildings down.

So: "Sorry. Bullshit.", to coin a phrase.

We don't know what the hell happened on 9/11. The administration's "just-so story" is no better or worse than the conspiracy theorists': they're all wild-ass guesses based on too little information and too many jumped conclusions.



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