On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 13:10:42 -0500, Horn, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Behalf Of Dave Land

But I do think that progressives should address the actual
cause of the nation's (and some of the world's) woes -- the
conservative program -- instead of engaging in smug,
self-satisfied and ultimately self-defeating talk about

I feel the same way about the people who call Bush "stupid".  I
don't think the man is stupid.  He's not a genius but he is
certainly not dumb.  I think he plays up the folksy stupid aspect to
get people to let their guard down and then... Whammo!  How many
people thought "that guy is way too dumb to be president" back in
2000.  But he ran an extremely smart (and nasty) campaign.  And he's
gotten way too much of what he wanted since then.  Or if he doesn't
get what he wants, he signs the law with a little statement that
says "except when it applies to me"!

But he didn't _run_ the campaign at all. He smiled, waved and read canned speeches. Rove et al ran the campaign.

I don't think he's stupid as compared to the average American, but compared to the average president he's near the bottom of the barrel.


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