I was a bit shocked that such a slammer of a piece is being syndicated 
over at Yahoo.
You really have to read this series to believe it.



I love George Bush.  That may seem a strange statement from someone 
who has spent so much time talking about the president's failings. 
But there is a reason I can see those failings - I have had them 
myself, as have countless other alcoholics and drug addicts.  To us, 
the president's behavior is no mystery.  In George Bush's present, we 
see our past.  We remember the smoking ruins that were once our lives 
and would never wish them upon another human being.


Recovering alcoholics and addicts seeks out ways to be of service in 
every situation because it alleviates some of the doubt that chatters 
constantly in our self-obsessed minds.  How could my fellow alcoholic, 
George Bush, be of service to his country and live in the serenity 
that surely eludes him in his present state?


President Bush cannot be of service to his country until he looks 
inward and surrenders to the fact that he is an alcoholic, with all 
the challenges the disease of alcoholism carries with it.   And the 
millions of citizens who are opposed to Bush's policies must also 
surrender to the fact that we have an alcoholic president.  How else 
to make sense of his administration without condemning him personally?

Ga Ga Maru


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