Ronn! wrote:

1. "Odyssey is giving us indications of recent global climate change in Mars," said Jeffrey Plaut, project scientist for the mission at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, from << >>; "If both Mars and Earth are experiencing global warming, then perhaps there is a larger phenomenon going on in the Solar System that is causing their global climates to change," from <<>>.

2. "From a meteorology point of view, these long-term changes can be viewed as climate change on Jupiter," says Adam Showman (University of Arizona) in an article about the new Red Spot on Jupiter in the Aug. '06 issue of _Sky & Telescope_ in which the above quote appears. A shortened version of the article appears at <<>>.

So are you suggesting that, as it becomes more and more clear that we _do_ have a very serious problem, that we should hold off on doing anything about it while we research the idea that it's part of a larger phenomenon? Please keep in mind that now that we know that the Arctic (including Greenland) and Antarctic ice is melting much faster than previously thought and that the time we have to take effective action (if the warming is due to our actions) is limited.

Better Sorry than Safe Maru?

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