It's not as hot here (St. Louis) as it was.  And we have power,
unlike a lot of other people here.

As you probably heard, some really nasty storms rolled unexpectedly
through St. Louis last Wednesday.  I was at a friend's house and
didn't realize how serious it was.  The power at his house flickered
a bunch but didn't go out for any length of time.  My wife called
and let me know that we had lost power at our house.  The
temperature on Thursday was predicted to be over 100 F so we knew we
were in trouble.  Wednesday night wasn't too bad temperature-wise.

First thing Thursday morning, my wife got on the phone calling
hotels.  Though it had been reported that all the hotels within 100
miles were full, she was able to find a room.  So we packed up the
house and kids and headed over to the hotel.  I went by the house
Thursday after work to check on the cats and found the temperature,
though hot in the house, wasn't as bad as I feared.

Our neighbor let us know that the power came back on at about 2:00
a.m. on Friday.  So we checked out of the hotel and headed back
home.  Another round of storms came through Friday morning but
fortunately, had no effect on us.  (Ironically, I had booked a
different (closer) hotel for Friday night and they lost power in
this second storm.  Good thing we didn't need it.)  We lost power
again about 6:30 p.m. Friday. No storms, no idea what happened.  And
it stayed out until about 4:00 a.m. on Saturday morning.
Fortunately, again, it wasn't too hot and we were able to stay at

We've been good until then.  I have several friends who still don't
have power almost a week later.  And there are hundred's of
thousands of others throughout the area.  We were very, very lucky!

  - jmh

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