Brother John wrote:
Julia Thompson wrote:
Gary Denton wrote:

He reasoned that the Supreme Court could not make it fertilization as
that would make most Americans guilty of murder as birth control
pills work by preventing fertilized eggs from attaching to the
uterine wall. It would not be the attachment to the uterine wall as
that would leave the status of humans born from artificial wombs in
doubt, although that technology was not yet perfected.
Um, birth control pills are designed to prevent ovulation, not prevent
implantation.  IUDs are designed to prevent implantation.

Some people BELIEVE birth control pills prevent implantation and are hence abortifacients. At a significantly higher dose than normal, that can be the case, but they are designed to prevent ovulation so the whole implantation thing never comes up in the first place.
Why would any adult not want to have children? Are they not a source of almost infinite joy in the lives of those who have them? Are they not great treasures? To pass up a chance for a child is like walking by a 100 dollar bill on the sidewalk and not leaning down to pick it up. Only the barren and lonely do not have children. It is a sad situation for any person to be in. Of course this is just my personal feeling, but there was a time when it was shared by a great many others in our nation. That was back when we were reproducing rapidly enough to BE the illegal alien problem instead of HAVING an illegal alien problem. --JWR

1) Not all people are suitable for parenthood. It's not easy. I have respect for people who decide that they're not going to be as good at parenting as their children would deserve.

2) If you decide you want a child, you'd better be prepared for the possibility of it having special needs, because a number of them do, and if you can't handle it, it's going to suck big-time for that child.


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