On 31/08/2006, at 2:35 PM, Dave Land wrote:

On Aug 30, 2006, at 9:07 PM, Charlie Bell wrote:

On 31/08/2006, at 1:35 PM, Andrew Crystall wrote:

Isn't a cult a subset of "religion"?

Sure Charlie, just as "poisons" are a subset of "chemicals.

Precisely - they're all toxic at a high enough dose... ;-)

I see your winking smiley, but your argument is specious.

I see your need to disagree with me...

Water is not bad because if you drink too much of it, it will kill you:
drinking too much water is bad because it will kill you.

...by repeating what I said! They're all bad at a high enough dose. Doesn't make them all bad all of the time.


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