Ann Holland wrote:
> Remember to honor those who have served and this great country we
> have the privilege to live in!!!  God Bless America!

Earlier today I was informed that I would be working at Chase Tower on
Monday and Tuesday.
Later it dawned upon me that on 9/11 (Monday) I would be working in
the tallest building west of the Mississippi.


Ah well.......I'm a child of the Cold War, I was well schooled in how
to put my head between my legs and kiss my ass goodbye. We called it
"Duck and Cover".
It all likelihood 9/11 will pass just like any other day and the only
trouble I will find will be for not kissing the boss' ass. (I'm a
firm believer that ones own hind end leaves less of a crappy
aftertaste and fewer emotional scars)

I too recommend flying the flag on 9/11.
Not so much for patriotism's sake, but as an act of defiance!
I want to tell the world that no matter who the president is, no
matter who the enemy is, we will spit in your eye if you think to harm
You might knock us down, but there is no way you can make us stay
And our greatest strength, absolutely the source of our greatness, is
that while you may be our enemy today, you can be our friend tomorrow.
And if you doubt that, then look through the history books at all who
were our enemies in the past and see who are our allies today.
We are not better than you, we just operate under a better system, and
you'd better believe we believe in all those pretty words we repeat
with great frequency.
Everyone is born equal, with inalienable rights, and you don't kiss
the butt of Kings or Dukes because the rich and powerful are an
immoral lot, likely to be carriers of STDs and nobody wants to get
So fly your flag proudly and keep your lips out of dark places (at
least until that pharmaceutical breakthrough) and pray that Osama's
ilk have not looked west of the least for my

Kissassins Maru


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