> Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Behalf Of Nick Arnett

> > Assuming that a large number of people can't be
> wrong about something
> > because they are smart and well-connected is a
> tautology. 
> I think that you are still missing the point, so let
> me try it again.  Let
> me start with one example: Gautam's dad.  He's a
> structural engineer.  I
> think it is fair to say that one of the first
> instincts that a technical
> person like him or myself when faced with something
> like this is trying to
> understand it.  In particular, when one's own area
> of expertise is involved,
> using that expertise to understand is all but
> instinctive.

I have absolutely no experience in structural
engineering, so have not comented on this thread, but
I'm just going to toss out one medical example of
well-educated folk in the field being wrong:
_Helicobactor pylori_ infection and relation to peptic
ulcer disease.  One researcher (from Australia, IIRC)
posited and studied this; the vast majority of
gastroenterologists disagreed completely -- until it
was finally shown to be true.  Took years.

My personal experience has been that my 'medical gut
feelings' are correct better than 90% of the time,
even when specialists' opinions do not concur.  My gut
about this administration is that it spins 'truth'
like a top, and is utterly untrustworthy.  About the
towers, I really don't know; about cabals within our
government manufacturing crises: Gulf of Tonkin(g?).

who has much List-catching-up to do

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