Didn't have time to finish this yesterday, so am
completing it first thing-

> > > Dan Minette wrote:
>> > > Behalf Of Nick Arnett

<more snippage for brevity> 
>> > > Assuming that a large number of people can't be
> > wrong about something
>> > > because they are smart and well-connected is a
> > tautology. 
> > > I think that you are still missing the point, so
> > >let me try it again. <snip> In particular, when 
> > >one's own area of expertise is involved,
> > >using that expertise to understand is all but
> > >instinctive...
> >I have absolutely no experience in structural
> >engineering....but
> >I'm just going to toss out one medical example of
> >well-educated folk in the field being wrong:
> _Helicobactor pylori_ infection and relation to
> >peptic ulcer disease.  One researcher.... 
> >studied this; the vast majority of
> >gastroenterologists disagreed completely -- until
> >was finally shown to be true.  Took years.
> >....My gut
> >about this administration is that it spins 'truth'
> >like a top, and is utterly untrustworthy.  About
> >towers, I really don't know; about cabals within
> >government manufacturing crises: Gulf of
> But this is a different situation. The discovery
> that ulcers were caused by helicobactor was a
> typical breakthough
> in medicine and science where previously held
> beliefs are found to be incorrect and an old theory
> replaced by a new and better theory (think Einstein
> and Newton). 
>The point being made in this case
> is not that there is faulty science but that the
> facts that exist cannot be explained with the 
> theory that the buildings that were brought down by
> a the planes. People with both knowledge and 
> experience in such matters see no significant
> inconsistencies and as far as I can tell those that 
> exist are of the type that are always present in
> complex real life circumstances....

Except that some _do_ find discrepancies, according to
what has been written on-List; I'm not saying I accept
their views, but I'm keeping the possibility in mind. 
A conspiracy involving thousands is exceedingly
unlikely, I agree.

What I think has me 'smelling something rotten' are
the various other oddities and discrepancies (as
others have already listed, frex the Saudis flying out
unquestioned AFAIK); I think it is far more likely
that 'the conspiracy' (instead of our gov't. actually
setting up the towers to be blown) will turn out to be
deliberate ignoring of and/or covering up of pre-Day
intel that such a terror attack was imminant.  IOW,

'There are no secret prisons for terror suspects.'
'No one connected with this administration had
anything to do with outing a CIA agent.'
And so forth.

I Do Not Trust Them, Sam-I-Am  Maru

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