Almost missed this to respond to...

On Oct 24, 2006, at 8:59 PM, jdiebremse wrote:

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jonathan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I can't agree with you. Let me count the ways... no, I don't have that
kind of time.
I started listing the grand follies I could foresee even watching the
2000 campaign from Amsterdam, but the actual blooded tragedy list
out-does anything I conjured - especially the Katrina fiasco.

Oh, that's because the Katrina fiasco was the fault of:

A) A Republican President

B) A Democratic Governor of Louisiana

C) A Democratic Mayor of New Orleans

D) All of the Above

Good Grief!


The answer is "D" obviously, but it's in the mix that truth cuts the wet mud from dried blood.

The storm hit was an event. The pre-loading {and lack} of plans and preps were seriously hampered by the policies of this administration from abstract thinking to executive codecs. These process and players compounded the problems once the storm hit and remained unable to perform the jobs they were ostensibly given. "How" the job gets done is the Executive prerogative and now we have seen several whoppers from this laugh-machine. This is where GwB & Co finally killed the hope Americans still held out for their leadership and marks the domestic downfall. This was a clear trust broken and obfuscations like the list above have not changed public opinion on this topic, has it?

Bill of Particulars:
A} An irresponsible leadership intent on agendas that do not address the safety of this citizenry and are arguably harmful and certainly counter-effective. FEMA did a great job stuffing money into Floridian hands when a hurricane swept through right before elections the previous year - even filling pockets outside the damage swath: Somehow, this administration couldn't do this in Louisiana w/o a political axe to grind. Are you certain Gore would have privatized the rescue & relief operations into such an incompetent tithing-laden operation? Would you argue that GwB's anointment of a rather vast menagerie of grade-C lackeys to run everything from Iraq -to- Katrina reconstruction has had NOTHING to do with the wretched state New Orleans still finds itself in? Even after a concerted & conscious effort following global public humiliation this executive office cannot perform at a reasonable level. Weren't "we" sold the line about how the grown-ups were finally going to run things? For a group that belittles theories of Evolution, this Scrooge executive model embraces Social Darwinism whole-heartedly and in defiance of the founding principles of this country - which I believe Dickens fittingly pre-dated. B} Why was New Orleans parish excluded from the original declaration of emergency? Why did Rumsfeld take almost a week to release nearby military personnel to assist in rescue - was he waiting for the museums to be looted? How do you watch the government satellite pre-planning teleconferences where GwB is nodding and blathering about getting the {wackily faith-based} Governor Blanco and regional cities plenty of supplies ready before and after the expected strike - and not shake your head at the cluster f*ck to follow? It still unfurls to this day. C} Maybe you weren't aware the levee system is a Federal program that the mayor and citizens have absolutely NO SAY in designing or funding and those retaining walls the city does control all held for very good structural reasons. The flooded busses we hear so much about were hardly adequate and relied on workers arriving to drive them off the flooding area for this aspect to even work... with water rising everyone's efforts were atomized locally. Addressing this expected social disintegration was the part of the previous years' training exercises that was supposed to be developed, but GwB defunded the final stages of the emergency plans and crossed their fingers. Oops! The current mayor is actually a Democrat in name only. He switched from a lifetime Republican registration {he has been a broadcast executive} to "D" in order to harness the local political machinery. Politics in NOLA gives the old word byzantine a shiny new patina.

The federal role is paramount in the lead-up and aftermath to this very day. The scale of damage demands it. Your apologia for their sins is disturbing. I lived and loved that city and it sickens me in a mean mad way when I think of how they have all been treated: there goes our own futures the next time a major disaster strikes a region of this country. "Grief" is the only commodity this bunch knows how to spread outside their money-grubbing frat-boy glad-handshaking cabal of circle-jerks. Can you point to accomplishments that prove otherwise? What have they really done up to this point - at such great public expense?

Face it, we've all been had, but you more than I because you fell for their squirmy lies... shiny hook, hard bloody line, and tawdry sinker.
Remind us again why we should trust your assertions around politics?!?

- Jonathan "Former Resident Of Freret & Palmer Streets, Uptown, New Orleans" Gibson -


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