Horn, John wrote:

>Maybe.  But it definitely illustrates that if you want to keep a
>"conspiracy" like this secret, you need to keep the number of people who
>know about it to a very, very few.  Not the thousands or hundreds of
>thousands needed for something like 9/11.  Or the downing of TWA flight
>800.  Or even UFOs at Roswell.  Now, a handful of CIA officers who
>wanted to take out JFK, that would be a different story (not that I
>believe that particular conspiracy anymore).
I agree with what you're saying, but I'm curious about why you would 
include TWA800 in the list. It is the one "attack" (if it was) on the US 
in recent times that
(a) could have been done by a VERY few people - I mean Stingers go 
missing all the time and it only takes one person to drive out to the 
island and launch
(b) where very little meaningful evidence has been recovered.

As far as I could tell from the other side of the world, it didn't seem 
to have much effect on policy in terms of anti-terrorist funding or 
policy change, so there wouldn't have been much point for the hawks to 
carry it out...

Russell C.


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