----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Max Battcher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2007 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: Religion is Valuable: Why it Must Be Encouraged

> Robert Seeberger wrote:
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "William T Goodall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
>> Sent: Monday, July 30, 2007 11:46 AM
>> Subject: Re: Religion is Valuable: Why it Must Be Encouraged
>>> On 30 Jul 2007, at 14:21, Julia Thompson wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 30 Jul 2007, William T Goodall wrote:
>>>>> Blacks also go to different churches of course.
>>>> Some choose to go to all-black or mostly-black churches, others
>>>> don't.  I
>>>> could go on for a good number of sentences on the subject, but I
>>>> don't
>>>> know that you'd be interested.  If you care about what I know on
>>>> the
>>>> subject and would like me to type for awhile, let me know.
>>> I'm guessing the the better educated and paid the black person is
>>> the
>>> whiter the church they attend.
>> Wrong!
>> xponent
>> Mega-Churches Maru
>> rob
> That's been some of my experience too, but for somewhat different
> reasons.  (Our major mega-churches are all mostly-WASPs, to my
> knowledge.)  I have several black friends and acquaintances (I don't
> know any better way to say that without sounding like Colbert...) 
> that
> are "well standing" (good education, reasonable income) that go out 
> of
> there way (30-minute commutes, what have you) to go to
> mostly-black/mostly-poor neighborhoods for church services.  I have 
> a
> lot of respect for that as there seems to be a genuine feeling of
> wanting to stay rooted/grounded in the community (and problems and
> hopes) of their "family" and further putting their money to good use 
> in
> a community that they know.  One of the few places where I feel that
> religion actually is serving some sort of good...

That does not surprise me a bit. The idea that churches are segregated 
by anything more than convenience is a bit off to me. I see people 
going to mega-churches, mega-church wannabes, and the nearest church 
of convenience by denomination is normally the top attractor.
In my neighborhood (within a quarter mile or so) you have several 
There is the chapel at the hospital across the street (and I imagine 
they have Catholic services)
There is a Lutheran Church at the end of the block.
There is a Catholic Church on the block behind the Lutheran Church.
Then there is an Episcopal Church a block beyond the Catholic Church.
There is a Mosque in a strip center between the Lutheran Church and 
And a couple of those strip center fundie churches on NASA rd1.
Somewhere around here is a Baptist Church, but I haven't been to that 
part of the hood.

And JWs At The Door Maru


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