The 'Wow' mystery turns 30

Posted: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 8:50 PM by Alan Boyle

Courtesy of Jerry Ehman /
The code "6EQUJ5" indicates a radio signal detected in 1977 at the 
Big Ear Radio
Observatory in Ohio - a signal so strong that astronomer Jerry Ehman 
wrote "Wow!"

Exactly 30 years ago today, astronomer Jerry Ehman was looking over a 
printout of radio data from Ohio State University's Big Ear Radio 
Observatory when he saw a string of code so remarkable that he had to 
circle it and scribble "Wow!" in the margin. The printout recorded an 
anomalous signal so strong that it had to come from an extraordinary source.

Was it a burst of human-made interference? Or an alien broadcast from 
the stars? No one knows. The source of the "Wow" signal has never 
been heard from again - even though astronomers have looked for it 
dozens of times.

Now the SETI Institute is gearing up to look for it one more time, 
using the latest tool for seeking signals from extraterrestrial 
civilizations: the Allen Telescope Array in California.

Full Story at:  <>

-- Ronn!  :)


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