Hello List --

Although I don't post much, I still read this list almost every day, and
when you start discussing 'rules of engagement' I can't help but respond

John Louis wrote:

>   depends on if it is done in a condescending manner...  pointing out rules be
> a benefit to other newbies.  other things have been pointed out to me in
> e-mail that would have embarrassed me if posted to the list, when it served no
> purpose to do so.

Absolutely -- it's all about playing nice and being considerate of others'
feelings.  Think about saying things out loud to the other peoples face, and
then post.  This list hasn't always played nice, IMO, but things have been
quite civil for some time.  Good work at keeping it that way.

Quick update:  I now have TWO (count 'em, 2) grandchildren.  Finn is 2 and
Freyja is 4 months.  Both are smart, fun and beautiful, and life doesn't get
much better than this. The Engineer is fine, but looking for a new job.  I'm
still trying to get my life under control.

Amities, all.

Jo Anne


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