At 09:55 PM Tuesday 12/4/2007, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

>Anthropic principle aside, sexual selection might go a pretty decent
>way toward explaining why we have such vastly oversized brains with
>which to observe the universe, make deductions and inferences about
>it, and contemplate a nice cup of gyokuro tea.
>Sexual selection in birds, for instance, appears to be the "reason"
>for a peacock's tail; an analogous mechanism in primates might have
>led to a positive feedback loop that resulted in a ludicrously
>disproportionate enlarging of the brain.
>So, alas, size might matter after all.

Yes.  Most of us have observed how the high school coeds all flock to 
the big-brained geeks and nerds and leave the jocks to sit home alone 
on Friday nights.

-- Ronn!  :)


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