Clay Aiken: Who's this Monty Python person?

NEW YORK (AP) -- Clay Aiken, who joins the cast of "Monty Python's 
Spamalot" this week, says its humor was initially lost on him.

"The first time I saw it I thought it was the stupidest thing I'd 
ever seen in my entire life," the "American Idol" runner-up told 
Newsweek. "My tour drummer is the 'Spamalot' drummer, and (he) said 
you've got to see it again."

Aiken plays one of the leads, Sir Robin, in the Tony Award-winning 
musical in a stint from Friday through May 4. He told the magazine he 
was so sore from rehearsals he "couldn't even get off the toilet the 
other day."

"It hurts so bad. I don't know if it's I'm not coordinated or using 
muscles I never had to use before," he said.

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