On Jan 15, 2008 5:57 PM, Warren Ockrassa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Jan 15, 2008, at 6:45 PM, Andrew Crystall wrote:
> > Well, going North? Can't really close the border. Long border and all
> > that.
> I bet 30+ million Canadians, faced with the prospect of being overrun
> by SUV-driving, Starbucks-sucking weekend lib'rul Yanks,* would damned
> well find a way to close the border pretty fast.

I don't have an SUV (although if I were fleeing to Canada, now that I
consider it, maybe I'd want one).  And I'm fairly liberal every dang day of
the week.

SUVs perform poorly in altruistic crash testing, which ranks vehicles on how
much damage they inflict.

Trouble is, I'm not aware of any rigorous altruistic crash testing.

Lately I've been thinking that if I really put others ahead of myself, I'd
be on a motorcycle much of the time.  Yet as Dave Land pointed out to me,
some of the others who I put ahead of myself are my family, who I wouldn't
be serving very well if I were splatted all over a freeway.  Still, it's a
tempting rationalization for a midlife crisis-mobile.


Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

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