On 2/4/2008 9:04:19 PM, Doug Pensinger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Rob wrote:
> >
> > But it sure is fun to watch, and who knows, they might just get 
> > some
> > reform out of the COS. <G>
> >
> You know,
> I'm sympathetic towards the outrage directed towards the CoS,  but
> it makes me want to scream  "Where's
> the  [EMAIL PROTECTED]@#$ outrage about
> what's
> going on in the  White House??!!??!!  Torture, suspension of habeas 
> corpus,
> Illegal wiretapping, destruction of evidence, perjury, deception via
> propaganda and outright lies, incompetence on a massive scale.  To 
> me the
> CoS is small potatoes compared to all that, and I know that many 
> many people
> have similar sentiments.
> I'd
> suggest that maybe we're just practicing and we'll take on the 
> despots
> of the Bush administration next, but
> we're running out of time for that.
> Maybe we can get them when they're
> out of office and can't pardon each
> other.

Totally different game played by different rules and using a 
completely different strategy and tactics.
Didn't you get the memo?

Actually Read The Interwebs Maru


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