On Mon, 31 Mar 2008, Wayne Eddy wrote:

> Hi, KZK, everyone,
> Just because animation is so labour intensive now, doesn't mean that it 
> will be in 5 or 10 or 15 years time.  In fact it almost certainly won't 
> be.  To say that a dedicated professional studio will always be 
> necessary to produce a quality animated features fails to take into 
> account the current rate of technological progess.  Eventually expert 
> systems will enable a single person to do the work of a team, and not 
> long after that AI's will be capable of reading a script and then 
> generating a feature film without any human input.

Just seeing what the time decrease has been in 3 years for static digital 
art, I believe you.  Your timeline may not be quite right, but Moore's Law 
plus software improvements plus more software specially written for the 
purpose will lead there.



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