So...  Let's plan on meeting near the airport (SFO, right?) around 3.  Dan,
you probably have my cell phone number, but I'll email it to you separately
just in case.

There's a Hyatt Regency just south of the airport (Bayshore near Broadway)
which is right on the water.  The lobby is an okay place to gather... I
don't quite   Or... down the street from there (south on Bayshore), there's
a Max's Opera Cafe (motto:  This is not a good place for a diet) where we
could sip coffee and nibble on sugary fat things.

Dan, what do you think?

Anybody else going to join us?


On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 9:17 PM, Dave Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dan, et al,
> >> This calls for a Bay Area get-together.  When are you available, Dan?
> >
> > It sorta depends on what the powers-that-be decide.  If we get
> > together
> > in San Francisco, I'm familiar enough with the area near Golden Gate
> > Park to reccomend a restaurant.  If it is south of there, then Sunday
> > afternoon, sorta near the airport would work best for me.  If it is
> > the
> > former, then you'll be able to meet two of my five daughters (the two
> > biological ones) because I'm having dinner then.  If not, then we can
> > meet at a spot near the airport on Sunday before my flight.
> >
> > I fly in 1:30 on Friday and leave 6:10 on Sunday.  I will be shot
> > if I'm
> > doing non-opera stuff from late Saturday afternoon until the evening.
> Much as I'd like to meet the Mini-Minettes, I also would be loathe to
> horn in on family time, and know how little my wife would appreciate it
> if a bunch of Internet neer-do-wells showed up at a family gathering out
> of town :-)...
> Also, I haven't even begun my taxes yet, so Saturday is probably going
> to be mainly given to that effort.
> Thus, a Sunday meet-up at or near the airport would work best. Peggy is
> going to a birthday party at lunch, so sometime after two or three
> would work for me.
> Dave
> _______________________________________________

Nick Arnett
Messages: 408-904-7198

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