The vital thing about that show was that it was the
only piece of mass media I ever saw that had the guts
to fight back against dismal conspiracy theories. 
ONLY in that episode do you learn that LH Oswald was
an expert Marine marksman, that he had stalked an
American general and very likely worked for the Soviet

Two nights ago we saw an Australian documentary that
set up torsoes of ballistics gell and ribs  and fired
into them from the right angle, proving that the
"magic bullet" could easily have passed through
Kennedy and Connoly, exactly as claimed.

What I don't get about conspiracy theories is that
people flock to the wrong ones!  The 9/11 "loose
change"  thing was monstrously - almost cartoony -
stupid.  And yet, nobody will look at the Bush
Administration and see the blatantly obvious...

...that their relentless destruction of American
strength and influence in the world could be easily
explained by blackmail and bribery... if one hostile
foreign power had pictures of one man with a donkey.

> > Then there was the episode of _Quantum Leap_ where
> originally both (JFK and Jackie) were killed.
> >
> >From a distance of about 16 years, I remember that
> episode as much
> more intense than most episodes of that show.

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