On Oct 21, 2008, at 12:34 PM, Julia Thompson wrote:

> On Tue, 21 Oct 2008, Bruce Bostwick wrote:
>> On Oct 20, 2008, at 10:27 AM, Julia Thompson wrote:
>>> On Mon, 20 Oct 2008, John Williams wrote:
>>>> Charlie Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>> I also like the one that goes "One has two ears and one mouth, and
>>>>> should use them in that proportion".
>>>> Don't forget the ten typing fingers.
>>> Vs. 2 eyes for reading.  Hm....
>>>     Julia
>> Given that i read at least 5 times as fast as I type (probably much
>> faster), that probably works out just about right.  :)
> Actually, depending on what it is, I can type faster than half as  
> fast as
> I can read at times.  I've freaked people out with my typing speed.
> (Well, one person, anyway.  I don't think anyone was freaked so much  
> as
> remarking on it when I've been doing IM and long responses are sent  
> very
> quickly.  Someone asked if I was doing a copy-paste on one of those,  
> and
> no, I wasn't.)
>       Julia

I'm not actually sure how fast I read, having been a speed-reader  
since I was in kindergarten.  But two eyes to read vs. ten fingers to  
type comes down quite some ways onto the reading side, and I'm not by  
any stretch of the imagination a slow typist ..

"My boss calls me Tommy and watches TV in a hot dog suit and I think  
he might be a moron." -- Bobby Hill


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