Was there any advance in the credit/lawsuit/whatever related to the
rip-off movie The Core? I was editing the Portuguese Wikipedia article
about it, and I would like to know if there is any hard data (references,
frex) about it.

The English Wikipedia article only mentions that it was ripped off (ripoffed?)
from Paul Creuss's book:


  "The Core is a science fiction disaster film loosely based on the novel
   Core by Paul Preuss. It concerns a team that has to drill to the center
   of the Earth (...)"

Alberto Monteiro

PS: about wikis, you mentioned in the (yikes!) blog the... 
... however, I think there are some problems with this site:
- they ask users to _buy_ stars (wikis and .org are supposed to be freesites!)
- they don't pay too much attention to physics when randomly generating
star systems

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