> On Mon 10/27/2008 6:39 AM Bruce Bostwick wrote
> Then again, "an armed society is a polite society" ..
We have found that in general Americans are the politest people we have met.
They are also incredibly welcoming and friendly. We have certainly
speculated if this was in part due to the variety of arms we have seen. 
I still shudder when a truck pulled up next to us in a supermarket car park
with a shot gun on prominent display in the back window. When the driver
opened the door of the truck it was surprising that there was room for him
to sit with all the weapons visible in the car. That is more weapons than I
had seen in my lifetime. The local Sherriff pulled in beside him and they
had a conversation. I think from the body language that the Sherriff was
admiring the guns, but I can't be sure and I did not want to hang around to
find out. 



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