> > what does that say about the republicans that did not
> vote for it? 

> Hmmm, I guess it says there were more of them than
> Democrats.

> > at least those democrats who had the integrity to 
> > vote against the bailout did so for the right reasons.

> To get re-elected!
> > always with the sarcasm, the last refuge...
> Don't worry, I have plenty of refuges. Do you need any?

why, am i in danger, from who...?
are you really that dense, john, or are you deliberately ignoring the different 
motives why the extremes voted the way they did? 
let me explain, the reactionary republicans wanted a bigger bailout (and got 
it), the progressive democrats wanted to bail out homeowners, NOT corporate 
crooks.  how many times do i need to spell it out?


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