On Oct 28, 2008, at 11:11 AM, John Williams wrote:

> Nick Arnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> What, exactly, is your point?
> Do you think other people should pay for your daughter's health
> care while you should only contribute a small amount, even though
> you could contribute much more?

This is *precisely* how private insurance works: everyone pays
a "little bit" so that anyone who has enormous expenses can be
taken care of.

Government is one way that groups of people organize themselves to
achieve similar aims. Private industry is another. The first, at
least theoretically, has the greatest good of the greatest number
as its goal. The latter, by law, has the greatest good for the very
few stockholders as its goal. I'll take my chances with the one that
-- at least theoretically -- has public good as a goal.



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