> All right Jon. I'll  mend my evil ways. Let's
> discuss the Higg's paper. Do you agree with
> everything he writes? If not, what specific 
> areas do you disagree with?

times are different, john, although the current crisis is also largely due to 
unrestrained and unregulated greed.  i may have some areas of agreement with 
higgs, but don't have the time to go through the entire paper.  

when FDR took us out of the depression he didn't start a war with that purpose 
in mind, but it did put americans back to work.  there are better ways to 
accomplish that without borrowing more money and creating more debt and higher 

we have already passed critical mass, and we are at a turning point in 
civilization where we have to stop the cycle of growth, waste, deficit spending 
on credit to prop up a defunct capitalist system.  

i recognize the problems with socialism, but those flaws can be resolved a lot 
easier, and fairer than by bailing corporate capitalism. maybe what is 
happening is evolution in action, just like marx predicted...  

if i was a paranoid conspiracy theorist i would think this collapse was 


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