On 1/24/2009 3:07:57 AM, Charlie Bell (char...@culturelist.org) wrote:
> On 24/01/2009, at 10:53 AM, Nick Arnett wrote:
> > On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 3:15 PM, Charlie Bell
> > <char...@culturelist.org>wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> It's closer to the first example you suggest than the second, but
> >> it's
> >> part of a general trope of less-good science writing that pitches
> >> every new minor spin on science as rewriting the whole body of theory
> >> that is really starting to wind me up.
> >
> >
> >
> I'll bet you were happy, as I was, to hear applause when Obama said
> > "We will
> > restore *science* to its rightful place..."
> Oh yes, absolutely. And he's
> made a fantastic start, IMO. Choices I
> applaud on the most part for his Cabinet, and his early moves to
> reverse some of the constitutional disarray of the last 8 years fill
> me with hope again.
> I'm not sure that most Americans realise how this election has
> affected people all over the world.

Charlie, (heck, any non-Americans reading this!) do you see it as a question 
of "Obama is a great man who will set America on a better course" or 
"America has finally come to it's senses", or perhaps some other train of 
It is exceedingly difficult to judge exactly what the rest of the world 
thinks about the election of Obama. It could be a more singular reasoning 
and it could be a variety of reasons that people are applauding (or in some 
cases sighing relief). I've read a good number of articles on the subject, 
but don't see a definitive common thread.

Curiosity Maru


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