Ray  wrote:

Hopefully the fire season is over for this year, and it's good to get the
> first real rain for the year to refill our water tank. Just for something
> different, we had an earthquake here last night, magnitude 4.7 which is not
> that "impressive" for areas used to them, but large by local standards. It
> was felt over a large area, including much of Melbourne. Epicentre was 600
> metres from our house! We certainly felt it.

Yikes, I'll bet you did, that's practically on top of it.  The last
significant quake here in the SF bay area was a 5.4 in October of 2007 about
6 miles NNE of my house.  I was on the second story of our house and got
rocked pretty good.  We even had slight damage to the house.

I'm glad to hear its cooling off down under.  I hope you guys get lots of
rain (but not too much) this year.


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