On Mar 18, 2009, at 7:45 PM, Jo Anne wrote:

I've offered to help an SCA friend who has a Gmail account. She's moving a bunch of email (over 3000 at last count) in about 75 different labels from
her account to another account so that the person taking over her
*volunteer* job will have access to the 3000+ emails that have come in
during my friend's tenure.

I don't know if this will be of *any* help to you, but here's one discussion that came up when I searched gmail help for "importing mail from one gmail account to another":

<http://groups.google.com/group/Gmail-Help-Message-Delivery-en/browse_thread/thread/e03d11d678519a4/165e3b32ff8085d0?lnk=gst&q&pli=1 >

It looks a bit involved because you seem to need to have IMAP access with a third-party mail program. IMAP is a kind of mail-communication method; a third-party mail app would be something like Thunderbird from mozilla.org.

Might not hurt to see if you can track down a local nerdy kid to work it out.

There are also archiving options that might allow email to be transferred from one gmail account to another, but I have no familiarity with those. As a final recourse you could try posting your question to the gmail folks and see if they can point out in a less- painful direction.


Warren Ockrassa | @waxis
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