Alberto Monteiro wrote:
Rob wrote:
Worth a read. Dyson is a Global Warming skeptic with an interesting take on the subject.

A GW skeptic or an AGW skeptic? It would be hard to deny GW from the
past 400 years with data.

Alberto Monteiro

Based on what I read in the article, I would say that he doesn't dispute global warming. What he does dispute is the global impact that it would have. I can understand people saying "we need more data", what I can't understand is that they insist we keep things status quo until we have conclusive data when the current data we have predicts multiple global catastrophes. With stakes that high, it makes no sense to say that we should err against the side of caution. It reminds me of the chicken gun episode of Mythbusters where Adam, who is the one usually doing foolish things and getting hurt, got angry at Jamie for wanting to make a potentially unsafe pressure tank. Sure, there is a chance that nothing catastrophic will happen, but if something catastrophic does happen, people are going to die. Erring against caution in such a situation is just a big middle finger to all those people who are potentially in harms way. Its like saying "We are willing to risk your lives and the lives of your family and friends to maintain our way of living."

Michael Harney


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