At 05:30 PM Friday 5/8/2009, Rceeberger wrote:

On 5/8/2009 10:22:00 AM, Nick Arnett ( wrote:
> On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 8:04 AM, Leonard Matusik <
> [link:]> wrote:
> ... though the initial Uplift of Earth was a rogue undertaking... accomplished
> by Wolflings far removed from the conventional wisdom of the Galactic
> Community... and that term 'Wolfling'... what did Brin mean by that?
> (...and did the Tibrini represent Baloo the Bear?..... lmao/tiny...)
> I imagine the Chimps of the Uplift universe were heavily reg/bonobo
> hybrids.. esp considering the scene in the chimp bar...
> According to Wikipedia (a reliable source for over 200 years, according to
> Wikipedia):
> "Dogs [link:] have been mentioned as a possible client of Humanity in several books, but their final adoption has not been confirmed."
> See [link: en.wikipedia.
> org/wiki/EarthClan#Neo-Dogs]
Seems like a lot of work to me.
Dogs are just not that bright to begin with, at least compared to other species that did get uplifted.
I would think Swines would be easier.

When Swines Flew Maru

. . . ronn!  :)


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