You might want to look at products. They have two main products Healing Rhythms and Journey to the Wild Divine. Both use a USB connected sensor package that attaches to three fingers works like a lie detector. Journey was the first product which allows you to explore a virtual world with stops along the way to play exercises that allow you to manipulate objects by thinking(actually controlling pulse and oxygenation, I think). Healing Rhythms was a follow on product focused on teaching meditating skills using the same exercises but including video comments by Deepak Chopra and others. Not inexpensive though.


On May 23, 2009, at 8:26 AM, Leonard Matusik wrote:

My family & I have been having fun with these binaural beat e- meditation productions..
..some of the ones I personally enjoy...
(...because they usually invoke a pretty good LSD Flashback..)
are produced by these guys...
...does anyone else have some recommendations for producats like these...
...or maybe for good hypnotherapy scripts.?



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