On Jul 9, 2009, at 7:41 AM, Bruce Bostwick wrote:

(As far as why .. well, it's possible that Google has taken notice that Microsoft has been promoting Bing pretty heavily, and this is a shot across their bow. If Chrome OS succeeds, and evolves into something that can displace Windows as a full-functioning OS, there's a possibility that Microsoft has bitten off more than it can chew in picking this particular fight. If Google is successful enough with this, it may finally push MS into a position where it has little choice but to migrate to a Unix-based core and GUI model like *everyone* else in the market. At a time not of their choosing, unlike Apple's beautifully timed migration from OS 9 to OS X.)

I am not a business person, but I don't quite understand Microsoft's foray into territory that Google so clearly OWNS, nor Google's foray into territory that Microsoft so clearly OWNS, other than to say to the other "A-HA! Your wall is not so high or wide that I cannot breach it!" I think each will obtain a following, each will cannibalize less than 10% of the other's market share in their respective spaces, and everybody else will go on using the tool that they prefer.

I am not like our friend Mario with his "57 Varieties" approach to operating systems. I use Mac OS X almost exclusively because operating system fit and finish matter to me. (This is not a statement of superiority to Mario, merely noting a difference. I am left-handed, too, but I don't hold that over him, either. I become competent in pretty much any OS you toss me into in a short time, but given a preference, I'll drive a Honda with a manual transmission and use Mac OS X.)

I use Windows pretty much only when I have to (which is still all too often) in order to test our web sites on IE6/7/8. I consider Linux an interesting side-show, but I'm damned happy it's there, because I / can/ have an alternative to Windows on X86 hardware.

As long as I'm flaunting my biases all over the place, I love my Blackberry (I'm on my fifth one since 1999 or so), but if I didn't have such a long history with it, I'd buy an iPhone in a heartbeat. I lust after its browsery goodness.



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