Doug wrote: 

>Now see, I guess I dont understand what passive-aggressive means because I 
>would think that his confrontational, >sometimes sarcastic style has any 
>passivity to it. 

I see it differently, perhaps. "Passive-agressive" may not be the right 
clinical term here, but I find repeated statements such as "I"m just asking 
questions" and intimations of it being the other persons' faults for how they 
interpret what you're writing as a way to irritate someone and present a point 
of view without *really* presenting it. It may not be a textbook definition, 
but that's how it strikes me. 

I'm not saying JW does this regularly, it's just something I get exposed to on 
a lot of lists and it pushes my buttons, so it's certainly possible the fault 
lies within me. Erik used to do it to people here all the time (JVB was 
*especially* prone to rising to that particular bait(, and that was one of the 
reasons I could barely stand to read even his quality posts. 

Confessionals Maru 

Click for a wide selection of quality scales. 

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